Articles / Tackling Period Pain - Practical Tips

Tackling Period Pain - Practical Tips

28.08.2024 2 Minutes
Tackling Period Pain - Practical Tips

Period cramps don’t happen to everyone but if you’re one of the unlucky ones - keep reading!

Why Do We Get Cramps?

Period pain, or dysmenorrhea, is caused by the release of prostaglandins, which are chemicals that make the uterus contract to shed its lining. These contractions can cause those familiar cramps and discomfort.

Top Tips to Manage Period Pain

  1. Apply Heat:  One of the simplest and most effective ways to alleviate period pain is to apply heat. Use a heating pad or hot water bottle on your lower tum. The warmth helps relax the muscles and can significantly reduce cramp intensity.

  1. Stay Hydrated: Drinking plenty of water is essential. Dehydration can make your muscles tighten up, making cramps worse. Herbal teas, especially those with chamomile or peppermint, can also be smoothing. 

  1. Light Exercise: We get it, it’s probably the last thing you feel like doing but light exercise like walking, yoga, or stretching can help. Exercise increases blood flow and releases endorphins, which are natural pain relievers.

  1. Over-the-Counter Pain Relievers:  Anti-inflammatory drugs like ibuprofen can really help. They work best when taken at the first sign of cramps. Always follow the instructions on the box. 

  1. Eat the Right Foods: Incorporate magnesium-rich foods into your diet, such as dark chocolate, nuts, seeds, and leafy greens. These can help relax your muscles and reduce cramp severity.

  1. Rest and Relaxation: Whoever said ‘have a cuppa tea and a lie down’ was onto something.  Sometimes, you just need to take it easy and allow yourself some downtime. Curl up with a good book, binge-watch your favourite series, or take a nap.

When to Seek Medical Advice

While period pain is common, it shouldn't be debilitating. If your cramps are severe, last longer than a few days, or are accompanied by heavy bleeding or other unusual symptoms, it's important to seek medical advice. Conditions such as endometriosis, fibroids, or pelvic inflammatory disease may require professional diagnosis and treatment..

Fun Fact

Did you know that having an orgasm can help relieve period pain? Orgasms release endorphins and oxytocin, which act as natural painkillers and can improve your mood. 

Got any tips or tricks of your own? Share them with us!


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