Articles / Should You Have Period Sex? Benefits, Risks, and Our Top Tips

Should You Have Period Sex? Benefits, Risks, and Our Top Tips

23.10.2022 6 Minutes
Should You Have Period Sex? Benefits, Risks, and Our Top Tips

Having sex during your period is not only okay - it’s fun, and it can even help reduce period pain! Yes, you heard us right - studies have even shown that menstrual cramps may be reduced when you orgasm.

Some people wonder “can you have sex on your period” and avoid period sex because they don’t like the mess. There are lots of things in life that create a bit of mess but that doesn't mean they should be avoided - having fun times when you are menstruating is no exception. While each to their own, period blood is completely normal, and having sex on period can be a seriously good time.

If you are curious about how to navigate intimacy during your menstrual cycle, you’re in the right place. In this comprehensive guide, we'll explore everything you need to know about period sex and more.

Is It Safe to Have Sex During Your Period?

Absolutely yes. Despite the occasional myth floating around that suggests otherwise, period sex isn’t risky. Always practice safe sex and be mindful STIs can still be transmitted when someone is on their period so using protection, like condoms, is a smart move.

Is it bad to have sex on your period? No, it’s not inherently bad. Having a chat with your partner about comfort levels and any concerns in advance is always a good idea, too.

6 Reasons Why We Say People Should Embrace Period Sex

Let's break down why period sex can be bloody awesome.

1. Some Think It Shortens Their Period Length

Did you know that some people think orgasms shorten their periods? While there’s no concrete proof of this, the theory is that muscle contractions during an orgasm might help the uterine lining shed faster, which in turn might lead to a shorter period.

2. Boosts Sex Drive

Due to a slight increase in testosterone, the hormone that gets the most attention when it comes to men, many people discover that they are really horniest when they are menstruation. If you're feeling horny there’s no reason for you to avoid intercourse or sex play. In short, having sex during your period can be great. There's absolutely nothing wrong with being intimate while menstruating. If you're in the mood, we encourage you to go with the flow and enjoy!

3. May Ease Headaches

Many menstruators experience headaches or even migraines during their period. Engaging in sexual activity can release endorphins, which for some act, as a natural painkiller and may help alleviate symptoms.

4. See Ya Cramps

Period pain results from your uterus contracting. The good news is that a cheeky orgasm will also cause them to contract, which means post-orgasm - when they release - you may well experience relief from those pesky menstrual cramps.

5. Free lube

No need for any extra lube! Aunt Flo has got you covered this time around, thanks to the natural lubrication of your menstrual blood. If you are seeking a water-based ‘lube in a tube’, our Hello Lube has you covered. It’s non-fragranced and vegan -  perfect to help you get your ‘glide’ on.

6. Good Times

Sexual activity during your menstruation is totally normal, but it has been disadvantaged for far too long. If you’re in the mood and on your period - we advise you to move ahead.. But remember - just because you are on your period doesn’t mean you can’t get pregnant.

What Are the Risks of Period Sex?

While sex during period has its perks, there are a few things to keep in mind.

  • Messy

One of the most obvious drawbacks is the potential mess. Blood can end up on sheets, clothes, and bodies. Using towels or a Hello Disc, menstrual disc can help prevent what might look like a crime scene on your sheets.

  • Vaginal Dryness

Even though menstrual blood offers natural lubrication, some folks might still experience vaginal dryness. A high-quality, water-based lube can make things more comfortable.

  • Pregnancy

While the risk of getting pregnant may be lower, it’s still a possibility, so if you don’t want to get pregnant, make sure you use contraception.

Tips on Having Sex While on Your Period

Want to make period sex both enjoyable and less messy? Here are some handy tips for you. These suggestions aim to enhance comfort and ensure a positive experience for both you and your partner:

  1. Use a Towel Or Menstrual Disc to Avoid Getting Blood on the Bed Sheets

    Pop a towel or use a menstrual disc such as a Hello Disc to save your from period laundry. Menstrual discs are designed to sit higher in the vaginal canal, permitting penetration without leakage, and preventing any mess on the sheets.

  2. Try Various Positions and Techniques

    Experiment with different positions that feel comfortable and minimize mess. Positions where you lie on your back or sides can reduce blood flow, making the experience more enjoyable and less messy.

  3. Be Open and Honest with Your Partner

    Communication is key. Have a good chat with your partner about how you’re feeling and any boundaries you might have. Maintain this communication during sex. If you experience painful periods, certain positions with deeper penetration might be uncomfortable. Therefore, keep the dialogue going, even in the midst of intimacy.

  4. Remove Your Tampon or Menstrual CupBefore You Start Fooling Around

    Unlike menstrual discs, which sit high in the vaginal fornix just under the cervix, tampons and menstrual cups need to be removed before penetrative sex because they sit in the vaginal canal.

  5. Keep Biodegradable Wipes or Tissues by the Bed for Easy Cleanup Afterward

    Having biodegradable wipes or tissues within reach makes post-sex cleanup quick and easy. This ensures that you both can clean up without leaving the bed immediately, maintaining the intimacy of the moment.

  6. Practice Safe Sex

    Take steps to protect both you and your partner from STIs. Use condoms, even during period sex, to prevent sexually transmitted infections (STIs) and reduce the risk of pregnancy. Period blood can increase the transmission of STIs.

  7. Use a High Quality Menstrual Disc

    Consider using a top-notch menstrual disc like the Hello Disc for a mess-free experience and manage menstrual flow during sex. These discs are specifically designed to be worn during intercourse, ensuring comfort and preventing leaks, allowing for a more enjoyable experience.

How to Do Menstrual Discs Hold Up During Sex?

Menstrual discs are great if you want to have sex on your period but avoid the mess. The Hello Disc is the world’s top rated Menstrual Disc and will save you from period laundry. Menstrual discs, unlike menstrual cups that sit lower in the vagina and need to be taken out before sex, are positioned high near the cervix. A properly designed menstrual disc with a thin membrane will be so discreet that neither you nor your partner will feel it during intercourse.

Pro tip: Before engaging in sexual activity, empty your menstrual disk.

Go on, Have a Bit of Fun!

Period sex comes with a heap of benefits and might even help ease your menstrual cramps.  Keen to give it a go? Check out our Hello Period range, including the Hello Disc, to elevate your period sex game.

Frequently Asked Questions

Let's address some common concerns about sexual health and pregnancy while having period sex.

1. Can you get pregnant if you have period sex?

It’s possible to get pregnant even when you’re having sex during your period. Sperm are sneaky little swimmers and can live inside the female reproductive tract for up to five days. So, if you happen to ovulate shortly after your period, there’s a chance for pregnancy to occur.

2. When is the safest time to have sex?

If you’re looking to avoid pregnancy, the safest time to have sex is typically during the first few days of your period and just before it starts. But let’s be real, this isn’t a foolproof plan. Your cycle can be unpredictable, so using protection is always advisable.