Articles / Talking to kids about periods

Talking to kids about periods

09.07.2024 2 Minutes
Talking to kids about periods

Talking to kids about periods can feel a bit daunting, but it shouldn’t be. Periods are normal and introducing ‘period talk’ into conversation is not only important, but also a way of helping to break down the sigmas that unfortunately hang around the topic still.

Here are our top tips to start the convo with the younger people in your life.

Start Early and Keep It Simple

  • Casual Conversations: Bring it up naturally. If your child asks where babies come from, that’s a great opening to talk about periods in a simple way.
  • Age-Appropriate Language: For younger kids, you can say something like, “It’s a monthly menstrual cycle where the body gets ready for a baby, and if there’s no baby, the body sheds a little bit of blood. It’s totally normal and nothing to be scared of.”

Be Honest and Open

  • Keep It Real: Share your own experiences in a way they can understand. “Sometimes it’s a bit uncomfortable, but there are ways to manage it.”
  • Answer Questions: Encourage them to ask anything and answer honestly. If you don’t know, it’s okay to say so and find out together.
  • Leave products out: Don’t hide away your period products - leave them somewhere in the bathroom they can see them. This helps normalise periods.


Normalise the Conversation

  • Regular Chats: Don’t make it a one-time “big talk.” Sprinkle little conversations here and there.
  • Everyday Moments: Use everyday situations, like if you catch them looking at your menstrual cup, or if you are in the supermarket walking past the period care section, to kick off a conversation.


Use Resources

  • Books: There are tons of kid-friendly books about puberty and periods. Use them as conversation starters.
  • YouTube and Websites: There are some great, simple YouTube videos and websites that you can refer to and watch together.


Practical Tips

  • Period Kits: Prepare a small period kit with pads, period underwear, menstrual cups, tampons, menstrual discs and panty liners. Show them there are heaps of options and how to use each item. Leave the items with them so they can touch and feel them in their own time.
  • Explain Symptoms: Talk about common symptoms like cramps and mood swings and how to handle them.


Encourage Empathy

For Everyone: Boys should learn about periods too. It fosters understanding and empathy, helping to break down any stigma or teasing.


Remember, the goal is to make your child feel comfortable and confident about their body’s changes. Keep the vibes relaxed and open, and you’ll do great.

If you’ve got any other tips, please share them with us and we will put them on our socials.